Mohawk for a boy or extensions for a girl. Security camera from inside a company. These guys walk in. Put on a helmet. Red flag number two is when he reaches for his gun. He sees only a couple of workers there behind the desk. However that guy right there is an off duty cop who is never off duty. He sees whats going on with this guy in the red making a draw for his pep. He acts. Now we have a fire fight in this tiny little place. As he unloads his weapon towards these two guys who then jump behind the counter. Hes bleeding. From the second angle you can see he sees the guy in red uses his buddy in green as a bullet shield who jumps over. He tries to run away. He falls down. He took a bullet to the leg. He starts to bleed while his buddy returns fire. Now you see he throws the gun away. The guy in green was taken to the hospital and stabilized and now under arrest. Police are looking for the guy in red and apparently the off duty officer minor injuries because he was grazed by a bullet.