satisfying as someone who s worked for an advocate for victims most of my career feel satisfying to get see them get a measure of justice. if you are following along at home, if you ve been able to download the indictment, which can do by following a q r code is on your screen right now, it can follow that to see our live link to the indictment itself. if you were moved by the plight of ruby freeman and shaye moss who as barb says really did have their lives ruined by these attacks not only physically threatened but terrorize, we want to focus in on the and diamond and counts 30 and 31 in particular and the defendants travion harrison million prescott fluid and steven clifford lee who described in this indictment for having pressured them particularly trying to influence ruby freeman s testimony in her role as a witness.
to end. 2 million people have been displaced since mid april and pushed the country into humanitarian crisis. they deny links to wagner and any involvement in mass rape. cnn verified and cooperated incidents of rape perpetrated by the rsf, including one incident captured on video. we do feel it is important in the face of the rsf s repeated denials to broadcast part of that video. we must warn you that it is both graphic and disturbing. reporter: the fighting on the street of sudan is relentless. cease-fire after cease-fire has not held. forces previously accused of genocide returning to a well-warned play book. terrorize, expel and ethnically
the video you are about to see is graphic and disturbing. reporter: the fighting on the streets of sudan is relentless. ceasefire after ceasefire has not held. forces previously accused of genocide returning to a well-worn playbook. terrorize, expel, and ethnically lenses. the paramilitary rapid support forces, rsf, are currently engaged in a fight for dominance. years before that rivalry spilled blood in sudan s streets, they were implicated in atrocities in darfur. now once again darfur to the west of the country is stalked by the specter of genocide. the damage wrought by these forces so extensive you can see it from satellite image.
the fighting on the streets of sudan s relentless. cease-fire, after cease-fire has not helped. forces previously accused of genocide, returning to a well worn playbook. terrorize, expel, and ethnically cleanse. the paramilitary rapid support forces, rsf, are currently engaged in a fight for dominance with sudan s army. but years before that rivalry spilled blood in sudan s straits, there were implicated in atrocities in now once again, to the west of the country, is stopped by the specter of genocide. the damage brought by these forces is so extensive, you can see it from satellite images. this is elgin era. west africa. hundreds killed whole districts
book. terrorize, expell, and ethnically cleanse. the rsf are currently engaged in a fight for dom nance with the sudan army. years before that rivalry spilled blood they were implicated in atrocities. the damage brought by the forces so extensive you can see it from satellite images. this is west darfur. hundreds killed, whole districts razed to the ground and it s not only there that is burning. this is andor. on the ground it looks like this. these scenes sadly familiar in