The re-inclusion of Cuba on the USA s black list, as a State sponsor of terrorism, underlines the ludicrous and risible nature of Washington s foreign policy
The decision to include Cuba, once again, on the list of State sponsors of terrorism, has caused a reaction which denotes nothing but derision from the international community against another of Washington s absolute clangers in foreign policy.
The sheer idiocy of this decision is highlighted by the fact that the Caribbean island-Republic has performed heroic efforts to save lives, punching way above its weight, sending teams of doctors and nurses to the four corners of the globe to aid countries in fighting against Covid-19 and not only. And Havana is accused of being a sponsor of terrorism?
long been a separatist movement there. that said, most of the attacks generally are on unguarded oil pipelines, for example, under the cover of night. this are rarely things that are quite brazen as this. the iranian foreign menster tweeted and he forget who the perpetrators may be, he holds actors outside of the country responsibility, hinting that perhaps saudi arabia was behind it. and saying that that just won t stand. heerp here is what he tweeted, terrorists recruited trained and armed by a foreign regime have attacked, children and journal irses among casualties, iran holds regional terrorist sponsors and u.s. masters accountable for such attack. iran with respond swiftly and decisively in defense of iranian lives. what response might we get from iran? iran is perhaps unlikely to go
his finger at a u.s. ally in the region and threatened to retaliate. he tweeted iran holds regional terrorist sponsors and the u.s. moscow s accountable for such attacks iran will respond swiftly and decisively in defense of iranian lives. later but as the so-called islamic state and a sunni arab nationalist movement claimed responsibility for the attack the night that gave evidence iran has blamed its rival saudi arabia for funding arab separatist groups in the past the bloodshed as a huge shock to the country and likely to raise tensions in an already tumultuous region. now for more on this we can speak with ali fatah in doha he s a middle east expert and a visiting fellow with the brookings doha center public policy institute iran is pointing the finger at its rival saudi arabia and its gulf allies what does this
lifted the embargo on cuba? if confirmed, yes i would. could you also commit that you would advice the president to reverse many if not all cuba regulations an executive orders regarding cuba recently submitted in 2014? as indicated i expect a comprehensive review of all executive orders and from the state department perspective would want to examine carefully the criteria which cuba was delist from the the list of neig nations for terrorism and wlo t whether or not the circumstances led to that list. you do not currently have a list of terrorist sponsors i would use the expertise of
dictator, but you did indirect lobbying for him and you should have registered and didn t do that. first of all, we were working in libya in a different time in history. the international community at the time we were undertaking that work believed, as did we, that it was an important possibility that serious and significant reform could take place and we believed we could support that. we were not working for gadhafi. we were working for libya. if we discover that there was anything inappropriate that we did, we will take all appropriate measures to remedy it. plenty of others made millions off of gadhafi. rhonda s lobbying firm got more than $1 million a year for three years to push for libya to be taken off of the list of terrorist sponsors, all registered, above board. you knew about the history. you knew about the chance he could never change. you made the deal with the devil. i didn t. the bush administration made a deal with the devil. i didn t agree, the bush