they are appealing, the family, friends and she in this video appealing. this is clearly propaganda, appealing for a prisoner swap for a known taliban prisoners. this was done with bo bergdahl. what would be the objection for president obama? they are pleading with him to do something before he leaves office. what would be the objection to a prisoner swap in this case? i saw the video. it is heart rendering and indicates how despicable the taliban and the hakani network are. we are looking at every means to secure her freedom, the freedom of her children and her husband. they have made demands about releasing terrorist prisoners being held by afghanistan and
to release one or two just to make sure they would not go back to the battlefield. guess what? the taliban completely cut off negotiations. when you negotiate with terrorists and release terrorist prisoners like this, all the studies are showing at least 30% are going back to the battlefield. we re finding out right now that you ve got former guantanamo prisoners working with terrorists. we need to learn the lesson of history and i m afraid it puts american soldiers at increased risk all over the world. van hipp, general spider mark, thanks for being with us. i like what spider said right there. of course, it is a double standard. everybody needs, we need to get him home. how they do that is the sensitive and difficult thing. we are going to take a short
they say we are sending a terrible mess timing our troops that would put the treatment of terrorist prisoners above the safety of our own fighting men and women. megyn: it s an incredible image to think about this terrorist getting up on the witness stand talking about he i a victim because he was allegedly punched in the stomach. the guy responsible for catching him, the guy accused of murdering four american contracts, burning and hang them. the navy seal fighting for his own future listening to him talking about his own victimization. the attorneys wanted their clients to have the opportunity
administration is getting right in security policy. and what s more, with the terrorists we re killing now across the border in pakistan, it s not a choice of kill or capture. it s usually a choice of kill or do nothing because the pakistanis don t want boots in the ground. it s not a simple snatch and grab. we often those terrorists are often identified very quickly. they might be at location x for two or three hours. doing a cross border special ops raid taking coordination, backup fire power, it s high risk. so in most of these cases, it s again kill them or let them go. that said, there are times when a high value terrorist who might really have good information is worth the risk. but overwhelmingly, the last thing we want are several hundred more terrorist prisoners. for god s sakes, we haven t figured out what to do with khali shaikh mohammed. we don t know what to do about gitmo. most of these guys aren t useful for intelligence and you kill them. but abu zabida, for example