goes out to these families who have been waiting for answers now for days, as time goes on, you know, you have to realize that this is going to only get harder for them. so, prayers to everyone affected by this. all right, congressman thank you for being with us and your time. absolutely. jacqui: griff. griff: when we come back, a guided tour of the eisenhower memorial. that s next. how much money can liberty mutual save you? one! two! three! four! five! 72,807! 72,808. dollars. yep. everything hurts. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. wondering what actually goes into your multivitamin? at new chapter, its innovation, organic ingredients, and fermentation.
jackets. another big problem that law enforcement hopes to avoid as we head into this weekend. boating safety is something that we really stress especially with the fourth of july weekend. the fourth of july celebration brings an increased amount of recreational traffic to the harbor, so it increases the number of possibilities of something happening. reporter: now, of course, this is such a great site. as you can see, so many tourists here at the statue of liberty. but as a result, we re seeing more accidents in this lawyer alone area alone because of this beautiful view of the statue of libertiment something to keep in mind as we head into the holiday weekend. the coast guard is hoping people will be able to enjoy the holiday and do it safely. jackie: all right. safety first, of course, but i till think you got the cool assignment of the weekend. enjoy your time on the water, alex hogan. thank you. reporter: thank you. griff: the surge of migrants coming across our southern
here, take a listen. as we peer into the society s future, we, you and i, and our government, must avoid the impulse to live only for today, for our own convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. we want democracy to survive for all generations to come not to become the insolvent of tomorrow. griff: just in the 30 seconds that we have left, he really did leave behind a legacy that endures today. he does and it s all around us at this memorial. you know, and he talked about democracy for the future. he didn t want any insinuation of discrimination based on race. that was something that he did and he integrated the military and he did things like that, so, i think that he really carried that in his heart, democracy for all, in his lifetime and moving forward.
in mind. he wanted to leave the place better than he found it. griff: the book is how ike led by susan sizen hour. i would suggest susan eisenhower. it s a holiday weekend, go pick if it up. susan, thank you so much for taking time, and thank you for the contributions of your family and, certainly, of your grandfather here. thank you, susan. thank you so much. very much appreciated. jackie: thanks, griff. safety first, that s what officials are stressing as millions of americans cast off from shore to enjoy summertime boating this weekend. alex hogan is live on the hudson river with a beautiful shot behind her. ing alex, what do people need to know? reporter: hi. well, rain or shine, the coast guard will be are out here this weekend and waterways all across the country not only to patrol if, but make sure that people are having a fun, safe holiday. during the pandemic we saw more people get with on the water to social distance, and that had a
like a rocket ship? we re watching for june apprehension numbers, april and may were both record setting. from what we have been seeing the numbers are not slowing down yet. bill, i know this is your third or fourth trip to the border in the last few months so appreciate your reporting down there. thank you. jacqui: griff. griff: joining us now to discuss it further is fox news contributor and former acting ice director tom holman. tom, happy fourth of july weekend. new for taking time, you and i were just together this past week in the rgv, and you traveled down with former president trump and governor abbott when he toured that wall. as you heard from our great reporter talking about del rio and they may be building some form of a state-funded texas wall. what s your reaction? will that help? certainly, it will help, griff. if anybody were to look at data