of civilian trial versus enemy combatant. the obama administration trying to demonstrate civilian tools are adequate and tough enough to make everybody safe. in that process the public safety exception seems to be evolving for terrorism purposes. for example, just to sort of track we remember that the so-called christmas day bomber who was briefly interrogated under the public safety exception but then very quickly given his miranda rights. that set off a fire storm of criticism not being tough enough on terrorists. the next high profile veevent w the fire square bomber. you can ask somebody where there s a reasonably objective
coffee, it s good to have you with us tonight. thanks for joining us so late at night. caller: thanks for including me, rachel. it became big news that dzhokhar tsarnaev was not read his miranda rights and might not be at the initial portion of his interrogation because of the public safety exemption. is that an unusual decision? would you have expected that? it s a matter of degree. this comes against a backdrop as you were talking about, rachel, of civilian trials versus enemy combatant, military tribunal status. in the obama administration, they were trying to demonstrate that civilian tools are adequate, they re tough enough to make everybody safe. so in that process, the public safety exception seems to be evolving for terrorism purposes. for example, just to sort of track, we remember the so-called christmas day bomber who was