outrageous remarks blaming americans. don t forget as we speak today, isis has killed 95% are muslims themselves. at the forefront of fighting isis are brave syrian people fighting on both fronts. so we should give credit when credit is due. we actually have left the syrian people and fight and battle with isis and we complain and say what are the muslim people doing to root out terrorism and extremism. let s not forget some of our own foreign policy of the americans and west fueled that extremism when we support coup leaders in egypt and things that push people over to the edge they become extremisms and terrori terrorists, we are partly responsible. terrorism is a global problem not a muslim problem and everybody has a role in the solution. no, america does not have a
are dealing with an act of terrorism. reporter: for hillary clinton, a rare consensus with some republican rivals. with more and more information coming out about the san bernardino shooters. for some, the rhetoric rising. it seems that every time there s a tragedy, my poll numbers do go up because they want strength. we have weak people, we have ineffective people, we have incompetent people. radical islamic terrorism. and i ll tell you what, we have a president that refuses to use the term. he refuses to say it. there s something going on with him that we don t know about. reporter: donald trump far from the only republican making an early link to islam and terror. all of us are deeply concerned that this is yet another manifestation of terrori terrorism, radical islamic terrorism here at home. we need to come to grips with the idea that we are in the midst of the next world war.
guests heard gunfire and explosions coming from inside. i saw bullets on the floor in the lobby. reporter: a chinese tourist shot this video from a window of the hotel as mali security forces surrounded the building. with the help of u.n. troops, they launched a counterassault to rescue the hostages. at least two u.s. military personnel assisted outside the hotel. about a dozen americans were rescued. by late afternoon, all of the hostages had been freed or escaped. and robin joins us live in nairobi, kenya, covering the story. good to have you with us. just to give context, an al qaeda affiliate has claimed responsibility. al qaeda has mainly been active in the northern part of the country. are malians authorities getting help from outside the country to deal with the terrorism that is gripping the north?
security services aren t going happen. no more people are going to be in the forces. that gives a sense of the feeling here and within government, slrks where there s a tough austerity drive, but the safety of the french people is always a priority of the government. they can t guarantee it if they keep making cutbacks. gives a sense of how people feel and the state of emergency now in place for three months, allowing police to search at will really they don t have to justify it to the courts after the event. a huge amounts of searches taking place in paris and around france. 106-odd people currently under house arrest, as well. not directly linked to the paris attacks, but in some way linked to terrorism, we assume, and isis, there s a massive clampdown in this country. of course over in brussels, the immediate concern is there s a man on the run. brussels literally in lockdown this hour. people told to stay away from
terrorist networks. cnn has more from kuala lumpur live with more on the story. reporter: natalie, president obama took to the stage today at the asean summit to offer condolences to the victims families. of course he mentioned that one american victim, as well. he said these were many of the people who moved to mali to help change that country. to help it on its path toward democracy. they ve fallen at the hands of terrori terrorism. this is what else he had to say. like the heinous attacks we saw in paris, attacks we see all too often elsewhere, this is another awful reminder that the scourge of terrorism threatens so many of our nations. once again, this barbarity only stiffens our resolve to meet this challenge. we will stand with the people of