On Tuesday, Belarus has embarked on a series of military exercises in close proximity to the borders of Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine, a move that is closely being monitored by neighboring nations alike. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f-yRyoIhV4 The drills began as a comprehensive inspection of the territorial defense capabilities, with command and staff exercises involving the Territorial Defence…
On Tuesday, the Belarusian Armed Forces began manoeuvres in the regions bordering Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland. Source: Ministry of Defence of Belarus; European Pravda with reference to Belarusian state-owned news outlet BelTA Details: Thus, as part of a comprehensive inspection of the territorial defence of Gomel Oblast, a command and staff exercise with the Territorial Defence Forces of the Rahachow and Karma districts will be held from 2 to 4 April under the leadership of the military commis