yangon s gravitational pull broken, and with darkness falling, the train picks up speed. at times, terrifyingly so. philippe: i mean, this thing is going to derail at some point. they have lost how many wheels yesterday on this one train? so, truly, it s about being in the right car, the one that keeps its wheel. anthony: derailments, or rail slips, as they are referred to here, a somewhat more benign-sounding occurrence than, say, rolling off the tracks into a rice paddy, are not uncommon. and one can t help wondering what the engineer and conductor are thinking as the train speeds heedlessly on, faster and faster.
at times, terrifyingly so. philippe: i mean, this thing is going to derail at some point. they have lost how many wheels yesterday on this one train? so, truly, it s about being in the right car, the one that keeps its wheel. anthony: derailments, or rail slips, as they are referred to here, a somewhat more benign-sounding occurrence than, say, rolling off the tracks into a rice paddy, are not uncommon. and one can t help wondering what the engineer and conductor are thinking as the train speeds heedlessly on, faster and faster. philippe: i mean, it must be, what, about 40, 50 miles per hour at this point. anthony: i wonder if anyone has ever, like, flown right out of their seat, out the window. philippe: yes, small people, sure. anthony: you don t want to be, like, holding a lap dog.
yangon s gravitational pull broken, and with darkness falling, the train picks up speed. at times, terrifyingly so. philippe: i mean, this thing is going to derail at some point. they have lost how many wheels yesterday on this one train? so, truly, it s about being in the right car, the one that keeps its wheel. anthony: derailments, or rail slips, as they are referred to here, a somewhat more benign-sounding occurrence than, say, rolling off the tracks into a rice paddy, are not uncommon. and one can t help wondering what the engineer and conductor are thinking as the train speeds
the space between things gets wider, more pastoral, and more beautiful. looking around at my fellow passengers, it could be hard to distinguish between the 135-plus ethnic groups that make up the burmese population. the very name burma refers actually to only one of these groups. what they all seem to have in common, however, is thanaka, a face paint and sunblock made from tree bark that masks many of their faces. it s ubiquitous here. at first jarring to see, it quickly becomes something you get used to and take for granted. yangon s gravitational pull broken, and with darkness falling, the train picks up speed. at times, terrifyingly so.
common tanaka, a face paint and sun block made from tree bark that masks many of their faces. it is ubiquitous here. first jarring to see it quickly becomes something you get used to and take for granted. yangon s gravitational pull broken and with darkness falling the train picks up speed. at times, terrifyingly so. this thing is going to derail at some point. they have lost how many wheels yesterday on this one train?