about what that object was. they say it was a spy balloon from china, which as we are hearing now, is developing into a huge diplomatic row, but in terms of these latest three objects theyjust don t have a clue. they are not categorising them as balloons. all we know is that they were unmanned, which is why they were shot down. also they were flying at a lower altitude than the alleged spy balloon, which made it a risk to commercial aircraft. it was really interesting that clip you played earlier, where you had the very senior defence official not ruling out alien device, an extra terrestrial device, but i have to add that another defence official did later on that day backtrack on that and say that these are very much earthly devices. the problem is, theyjust don t know what they are yet. and what have americans been saying about this? i mean, speak of aliens?! i think the american public would be forgiven