Former GraceKennedy CEO Douglas Orane’s masterclass on presentation and brand-building enlivened the Merritone faithful and newcomers alike gathered inside the Edward Seaga suite on the grounds of Devon House recently for the launch of the 33rd.
Focused on its target to double exports in the next two years, manufacturing and distribution conglomerate Seprod Limited said it is also pushing to reach US$1 billion in sales.
Describing the mo.
No one or nothing else mattered for Andre Williams and Jheanelle Cameron when they first met. They describe their first encounter as fireworks. They did not want the moment to end as they felt a connection with each other that they had never felt.
PRODUCTION and distribution company Caribbean Flavours and Fragrances (CFF) has achieved its goal of increasing exports by 47 per cent, the announcement was made during its recent annual general m.
138 Student Living Jamaica Limited (138SL) said its additional public offering (APO) of stocks to the public as of today will set the company on a path to returning more dividends to shareholders .