So tonight, of course, we have cory and brian merchant here to talk about bryans new book, which is out yesterday called blood in the machine. And coreys new book is out just a couple of weeks ago called the internet con. Its very exciting stuff. People. So theyre going have a conversation and then well open at the end for some questions. So of something penetrating, hard hitting, but also a question not a long story. And then well have book signing to finish out the night. So i think everybody is familiar, these two gents up here. But for sake of, you know, the ritual cory doctorow, a Science Fiction author, activist and journalist, hes on the stage, left side here. Up here. The internet con is the most recent book. It is called a big tech disassemble manual, which is the coolest subtitle ever. Hes also a prolific writer of fiction as well. His latest novel is red team blues, a techno thriller finance crime. Hes also the author of the International Young adult a little brother series.
So tonight, of course, we have cory and brian merchant here to talk about bryans new book which is out yesterday called blood in the machine. And coreys new book is out just a couple of weeks ago called the internet con. Its very exciting stuff. People. So theyre going have a conversation and then well open at the end for some questions. So of something penetrating, hard hitting, but also a question not a long story. And then well have book signing to finish out the familiar, these two gents up here. But for sake of, you know, the ritual cory doctorow, a Science Fiction author, activist and journalist, hes on the stage left side here. Up here. The internet con is the most recent book. It is called a big tech disassemble manual, which is the coolest subtitle ever. Hes also a prolific writer of fiction as well. His latest novel is red team blues, a techno thriller finance crime. Hes also the author of the International Young adult a little brother series. And i think a very cool note in
Night, kennedy and lincoln are sort of bookends, where i soon i assume everyone knows about who lincoln was and who kennedy was. I wont talk much about kennedy and did not talk about lincoln. I assume most people dont know much about garfield and mckinley, so we will talk more about garfield and mckinley more than the actual assassinations. The assassination of lincoln by john wilkes booze and of kennedy by lee harvey oswald, we were in they were able to get away from the scene of the murder all sorts of conspiracy theories cropped up. Who did it, did they get away and did we get the right guy . In the cases of garfield and mckinley, they caught the guy right away. There was no question. Charles the toe was was captured right after shooting garfield and leon was grabbed immediately after shooting mckinley. They both freely admitted they did it, so there was no question about that. Today, we will look at William Mckinley. Mckinley is a figure who is neglected in american history. Garfie