Text us with your first name, city and state, to 202 7488003. You can also post your comments with a tweet at tweet,. Cspanwj, or facebook. Com nancy pelosi spoke to reporters after the times noted that she regained the gavel and became the first person in 60 years to return a speaker after losing the majority. Here she is. [video clip] i wish you could have seen the nominations and acceptance speeches. Then you could have seen the Common Thread, the unity of our caucus. The values and the vision, the knowledge of our subjects on the Strategic Thinking. You hear me talk about that all the time. Theof it is connected to hopes and aspirations of americans and working families. That is what unifies us. Im honored and was emotional earlier because of some of the things that were said in nomination, but also listening to the other nominations as well , not only to the vision but the depth of the commitment, the values of our caucus. Im thrilled, im excited, i to be working with the new pres
Welcome you to this virtual conversation. Europe holds and free the future of the the line was unintentional, but we did it. Todays event is sponsored by our global europe around under the direction of our newly minted director, dan hamilton, who will take over managing this program for me in a little while. Its also sponsored by our kennon institute in partnership with the u. S. Helsinki commission. Dannon joins the Wilson Center after holding a variety of patients in the u. S. Department of state, including notably, assistant secretary for european affair responsible for nato, the osce and transatlantic Security Issues of the nordic, baltic, and balkan affairs. He also retains an affiliation with and taught for a while at johns hopkins. Our conversation today marks an important milestone. 30 years ago today, the charter of paris for the new europe was signed by 34 european and north american countries symbolizing an end to the 40year division of europe into two hostile camps. It form
Jane todays event is sponsored by our tpwhrobal Europe Program under the direction of our newly minted director, dan hamilton, who will take overing moring this program for me in a little while. Its also sponsored by our kennon institute in partnership with the u. S. Helsinki ommission. Dan jones the Wilson Center after holding positions in the u. S. Department of state, including notably, assistant secretary for european affair responseable for nato, the osce and transatlantic security issue os they have in ordericbaltic and balkan affairs. He also retains an affiliation and taught for a while at johns hopkins. Our conversation today marks an important milestone. 30 years ago today, the charter of paris for the new europe was signed by 34 european and north american country, symbolizing an end to the 40year division of europe into two possible camps. It formally signaled the end of the cold war and set the osce, or the csce, the conference on security and cooperation in europe, on the
Jane todays event is sponsored by our tpwhrobal Europe Program under the direction of our newly minted director, dan hamilton, who will take overing moring this program for me in a little while. Its also sponsored by our kennon institute in partnership with the u. S. Helsinki ommission. Dan jones the Wilson Center after holding positions in the u. S. Department of state, including notably, assistant secretary for european affair responseable for nato, the osce and transatlantic security issue os they have in ordericbaltic and balkan affairs. He also retains an affiliation and taught for a while at johns hopkins. Our conversation today marks an important milestone. 30 years ago today, the charter of paris for the new europe was signed by 34 european and north american country, symbolizing an end to the 40year division of europe into two possible camps. It formally signaled the end of the cold war and set the osce, or the csce, the conference on security and cooperation in europe, on the
National Defense Authorization act, and a measure ealing with the boeing max 737 crashes. Requested votes will take place after 6 00 p. M. Eastern. Live coverage of the house here on cspan. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by chaplain father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Loving and gracious lord of mercy, we give you thanks for giving us another day. In this single week, after a Long Campaign season and before breaking once again for thanksgiving, bless the members of the peoples house with focus and purpose on the issues facing them. We ask your blessing as well on those newly elected who will be joining this assembly for the 117th congress. May their transition into office be smooth and marked by the civility of Democratic Change of government which is the rightful pride of the United States of america. Lord, our nation continues to be besieged by the plague of the coronavirus. Send your spirit of peace that our people might be bro