bain executive said romney had not paid any taxes for 10 years. he took that unsubstantiated claim to the senate. the wortd s out, he hasn t paid any taxes for 10 years. let him prove he has paid taxes because he hasn t. sean: sorry, i was drinking. mitt romney has had enough. today, he hit back hard. listen to this. well, it s time for harry to put up or shut up. harry s going to have to describe who it is he spoke with, because of course, that is totally and completely wrong. it is untrue, dishonest and inaccurate. it s wrong. so so i am looking forward to have harry reveal his sources and we will probably find out it s the white house. look, the obama campaign will do everything in its power to try to talk about anything besides the president s record. sean: this just in, senator reid is getting back into the mix, responding to romney in a statement that reads in part, there is controversy because the republican presidential nominee, governor mitt romney, refuses
run for her own seat for state senate by raising her breast cancer treatments. she decides to run. so they get her disqualified, not having enough signatures. then when he is running for senate, he was against blair hall, a multi-millionaire investment banker. blair hall was way ahead in the polls and what happened? david axelrod, ex-employer of the chicago tribune, pushes the story that hall s ex-wife got a protective order for abuse. this becomes the focus of the campaign. blair hall falls behind and obama wins the primary. he is then against the amazingly attractive republican, jack ryan, harvard law, harvard business school, worked for goldman sachs, made hundreds of millions of dollars and left to teach in an inner-city school in chicago. but he did have one problem. he was divorced. so once again he released his tax records. he released his divorce records. the one thing both and his wife wanted under seal were their custody filings. he accused her of having an affair