MIRI: A voter dressed as the popular anime and manga character Demon Slayer stole the show when he arrived at SK Pulau Melayu here to cast his ballot for the Piasau state seat in the 12th Sarawak election on Saturday (Dec 18).
MIRI: Datuk Sebastian Ting Chiew Yew, the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) candidate for Piasau in the state election, has dismissed an allegation by DAP candidate, Peter Hee Leh Keng, that he, as the former assemblyman, had not gone down to the ground in the constituency, especially in Kampung Pasir.
MIRI: Taking daily morning walks is a routine for Gabungan Parti Sarawak’s (GPS) Piasau candidate Datuk Sebastian Ting, who aside from making an initiative to keep himself fit, is using this “me time” to engage with his voters via social media.