alone. is he like the elbow would he see of the willard and he spends the rest of his life trying to be relevant and he falls short quite frankly. almost like a mantra now on the far left to bring up racism about everything. if you don t like ketchup you are a racist. it s boring and tedious. wee while we are in the accusation realm let me say this about al gore. when he was in college at yale he and tommy lee jones invented the virus. it went wrong. some experiment went horribly wrong. i think gore if i m a racist gore invented the virus. we have mortality rate in the low 20 s. obama biden ticket needs the union people so the vice president did address the union in this way. roll the tape. don t any of you, by the way, and you guys vote
i always pretend when they talk these figures like you said with rove and it s going round and round 14 trillion, do we actually owe somebody that money? yeah. and if we do, guess what, don t pay them. numbers 9/10ths of your account. tenth don t pay them. i said to my kid. let me answer the question, all right? so miller says don t pay them, stiff them. i m excited. then nobody will lend us money and this government, this is how crazy it is, miller. the federal government and the state of california where you live run on borrowed money. they don t have any money. for anything. all right? so, barack obama will be hitchhiking down pennsylvania avenue because they couldn t put gas in his limo unless they borrowed money from china. so you stiff the people lending you money, nobody is going to lend it and everything grounds to a halt. get it? billy. numbers smunbers.
republic this isn t political. i m not supposed to say this. [shouting] [ applause ] let me put it this way. don t come to me if you do. you are on your own, jack. bill: that s that tie combination he looked like mo green out there from the godfather. you are on your own, jack. little did those teamsters realize that jimmy hoffman s body is buried in jimmy hoffa s hair plugs. i got to do what i got to do. a cock sure hack to famous everybody s status but knew his own iq the first day he was able to apply for that knowledge. he is one of those guys who spends his whole life saying let me tell you something. let me tell you something else. and then he never tells you something. is he a functionary. he is a lap dog for barack
clueless people that don t deserve the time of day? i think that s the time we are reaching in american history want to take care of the helpless. times are too tough. that s the point we are at. bill: the obama reversal on guantanamo bay. a lot of information for the american left. for the attorney general and for dennis miller. go. i heard you may be saying that holder should step down. billy, when you define the perimeter line at the bottom of the barrel as holder does, it s not that easy to step down. holder is in more over his head than a gay dwarf hitting on shack at this point. he is not going anywhere. i think he was a political favor. listen, i think it got ugly coming out of the south carolina primary between clinton and obama because they hinted the race card on clinton he hated that in a make good gesture since holder was the front man on othe mark
obama. sends him out to curry favor with some of these individual groups they are going to need to amalgamate. the nonunion members who want to form a union because the whole thing is not working, we are not getting it anymore. bill: all right. those thinly veiled reference was interesting. if you don t vote for us, don t come, you know, don t complain, because we are in the tank for you. and the other party isn t. i thought that was quite interesting. yeah. well, biden knows where his bread is buttered. it would be fitting if he went out and did all this dirty work and sumly indicated and kissed butock and told them we have got to get rid of you because hacker turned into, joe, you have got to go. maybe it happens a second time through. who knows? no. they will still together. love will keep them together. love love will keep us together. bill: miller, everybody out there in santa barbara talking about this debt crisis, aren t they? let me ask you, this bill.