to happen if america supports them. the problem he says is that while he favors a tactical military strike, it isn t going to provide the training, the arms that they need to fight al qaeda. so weirdly enough, there s almost no one who supports the president purely on the grounds which he is asking congress to support him on. and assad is trying to play at the nagging concerns that americans have about what we re being told and what we re not being told by the president. and you ve got this modern opposition in the middle that has nothing, you know. and they re really squeezed between assad and these al qaeda forces at the moment and whether they re ever going to get the help they kneneed is a big question. complex question for the congress. it is. judy, thank you very much. see you later. so coming up, switching gears here for a moment, dennis rodman is spending time with his favorite dictator over the
democratic party and the conservatives who were in a conservative case for the iraq wars and against this one. the case hasn t been made that there is an imminent threat or that there is an overriding interest which is what the president is going to have to do. and he is a good friend of mine. his answer isn t going to get over the two hurdles. the president will have to make the case for the american people to win over congress to have a shot. i don t see him winning a vote in congress right now. a lot to go on before that vote today and tomorrow. thank you, and good to see you right now tens of thousands of retired americans who will lose the health care plans whether they like them or not.
column. and the problem with bashars a satd wh sad when he tries to wage war on tv is that he s not very experienced at it, he s not very good and he tends to get do things that get people s back up. that seems to be what s happening in congress. if you make threats about what you re going to do to the americans, if american does a punishing strike, that is secretary has said, limited is not going to do very much damage, you re really setting people up for a, yes, we must stand with the president. got it. i mean, john kerry said, being incredibly small, the attack. it s something that has a lot of people scratching their heads. i m not sure why you would forewarn that you re going to do an incredibly small attack, brush it off your shoulder and it will be fine. let s look at one more piece of this charlie rose interview with bashar assad. war is against the u.s. why?
this is the war for al qaeda and the same people that killed americans in the 11th of september. he s saying why would you do that? why would you want to be on the side of al qaeda? this is a much more powerful argument. and it s not an argument that s likely to resonate among people who support military power in general and the use of that power because, if, best case, bashar assad is removed from power, if he falls, the big what if question is what congress is now grappling with. is it better to have assad there? he s a maniac. he uses gas on his own people. he s killed 110,000 and a few thousand with chemical weapons. or is it better to have al qaeda in damascus and is that the logical outcome of what would happen if assad weren t there? now, i spoke today to sala, the spokesman for the, quote, moderate rebels. he says that that is not going
people have a new warning today for the united states. syrian president bashar al-assad says that americans, quote, should expect everything if we attack his country. national security cones jennifer griffin is live on this at the pentagon. jennifer, good afternoon to you. you know, there s a huge campaign going on on both sides right now. and it s shaping up in a very interesting way. that s right, martha. president assad used the interview with cbs and charlie rose to make a series of veiled threats. tell me what you mean by expect everything. everything. including chemical warfare? that depends. if the if the rebels or the any other group have it, it could happen. i don t know. we don t i m not fortune