through two fences and landed in her neighbor s backyard pool. here s the neighbor. we all ran over there. the neighbor next door and got into the backyard behind, and, i kept yelling for her. reporter: no one knew if she was unconscious or was hurt. they didn t see her at all. she somehow managed to get out of the vehicle but then, getting the vehicle out of the pool was difficult. it took a towing company two hours. they said they had to jerry-rig their cables to get the thing up. the car is totaled you but, the woman, 67-year-old driver, that neighbor will be okay, we re told. wow, jon. jon: makes a mess of the pool too. reporter: no doubt. jon: harris, thank you. arthel: we want to get you back to one of our top stories. shocking new details of yet another government spying program. the national security agency not only collecting and analyzing the phone records of millions of americans, but it is also tracking
arthel: and thanks for joining us on this friday. hello, jenna is off. i m arthel neville. jon: welcome to the program today. good to have you back, arthel. i m jon scott. growing outrage over yet another government spying program. we re learning that the national security agency is not only collecting and analyzing the phone records of millions of americans but is also tracking every move you make online. it is all in the name of national security. listen. i read intelligence carefully and i know that people are trying to get to us. this is the reason why we keep tsa doing what it is doing. this is the reason why the fbi now has 10,000 people doing intelligence on counterterrorism. this is the reason for the national counterterrorism center that has been set up and in the time we ve been active.
really, the online typing, et cetera, of americans and that they have the ability to check in on phone calls and so forth. anyway, monica crowley is a fox news contributor, the author of, what the bleep just happened, a happy warriors guide to the great american come back . did the president reassure you there, monica? hi, jon. he certainly went to great lengths to make the case this is not in fact a new program and there is in place, very intense congressional and judicial oversight but it still remains unclear. because some people are arguing that this is in fact, every three months a routine renewal of these programs under the patriot act but there are others are saying not so fast. that this is a m expansion what was originally in place of the patriot act which was a very targeted program meant to just sort of watch terrorists and suspected terrorists. what we see now, is a
this president s watch. this is why it is so politically damaging to president obama. tears down that whole edifice that he created he is this hope and change transparency president. most transparent administration in history. we re not going to violate your civil liberties. and now we know that he is expanded the program beyond what we knew that the president bush had done and that has led, you know, even his allies, like the huffington post , call him george w. obama. and the new york times saying that he has lost credibility now. this is torn down the edifice that he created and even his left-wing allies believed that he was trying to implement a transparent administration and would not violate civil liberties the way they thought president bush did. now that s gone. jon: i don t think when americans voted for transparency, include the government looking into their lives to this extent. jamie wine sty, thank you very much, from the daily caller . we re getting word the
he is expected to speak any minute now in california. we re told he will address some of these concerns about the nsa spying on ordinary americans. that s coming up.