breaking news. the american embassy in kabul, afghanistan, coming under fire in an intense attack. word out of iran, the two american hikers convicted of espionage could soon be free. let s go ahead and start with the bold attack on america s signature presence in a war-torn country. rockets and machine gun fire aimed directly at the american embassy in kabul. gunfire coming from every corner of the building. take a listen. and we re now being told that it was a well-coordinated attack. i want to bring some more information straight from a man that i m going to talk to now. he s actually taken governor there in the embassy. i have known him for a long time. he works at the embassy and has been in afghanistan about five years now, but for security reasons, we are not going to identify him. can you hear me okay? i sure can, kyra. good morning. good morning. i sure appreciate you calling in. it seems a little quiet behind you now. when i talked to you earlier, i could actu