July 7, 1866: The East Tennessee Union Flag reported an exhibition would take place at the Fall Branch High School. The event would be on July 13 âif the weather is fair, if not on the following Tuesday. The friends of this Institution and the public generally are respectfully invited to attend.â Z.B. Lockwood was the principal of the Fall Branch High School.
The East Tennessee Union Flag was a newspaper published in Jonesborough, which was spelled that way in 1866.
July 7, 1887: According to The Comet, âCapt. S.T. Harris has purchased the Al Lyle corner, opposite the Hoss House, and as soon as he can get possession will erect a handsome bank building. The building will be fire proof (sic) with marble trimmings and tile floors. It will be used for a national bank.âIn another item The Comet carried that day it was reported, that âCol. T.E. Matson returned yesterday morning from South Carolina. He reports every thing (sic) favorable for Johnson City and says
June 26, 1868: The East Tennessee Union Flag reported on a recent marriage that took place in Washington County. On the 16th of May, “at the residence of Mr. Jefferson
June 14, 1867: The East Tennessee Union Flag printed these words, which we would be wise to remember and practice over 150 years later. âHold on to your tongue when you are just ready to swear, lie or use any improper word.â
âHold on to your hands when you are about to strike, steal, or do any improper act.â
âHold on to your feet when you are on the point of kicking, running away from steady or pursuing the path of error, share, or crime.â
âHold on to your temper when you are angry, excited or imposed upon, and others are angry about you.â
June 5, 1868: Reporting on a recent marriage, the East Tennessee Union Flag shared, âOn Thursday, the 28th of May, at the residence of the brideâs mother, near this place, by Rev. John Rubush, Mr. H.C. Grimm, of Greene county (sic), to Miss Harriet Millard, of this County.â
The East Tennessee Union Flag was a newspaper published in Jonesborough, which was spelled that way on the masthead.
June 5, 1890: The Comet opined words that we would be wise to remember and practice more than 130 years later. âIt is always well to remember that in saying things against any religion you are not only guilty of bad taste, but you do not know whose feelings you may hurt.â