Circumstances. You hear about that debate over job creation what the Unemployment Rate is at the beginning of a democratic administration. Bobby scott in the house say■s thq eres supposed to be a House Budget Committee hearing on Budget Committee hearing on later this week the house would force legislationoce tiktok to diversities ownership or face a ban. Live coverage now of the house on cspan. Order. Motion to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 1752 and h. R. 886. Thede first electronic vote will be conducted as a 15minute vote. Pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, remaining electronic votes will be conducted as fiveminute votes. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the unfinish business is the vote on the motion from the gentleman from missouri, mraves, to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 1752 as amended, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerkl report the tile tle. The clerk Union Calendar number 187, h. R. 1752, a bill to amend the public works and Economic Development act of 19
here on cnn newsroom rulings by two u. s. federal judges illustrate what health care for women now looks like without the protections. of roe v. wade. fallout from the move by tennessee republicans to expel two democratic lawmakers from the state house here with their supporters are planning to do next, and a show of force on all sides of taiwan. see how beijing is responding as officials from taipei and washington grow ever closer. live from cnn center. this is cnn newsroom with goossen. so the abortion rights debate is once again front and center here in the united states. this time a fight is brewing over access to medication. abortion pills after federal courts issued conflicting rulings just minutes apart. the justice department and a drug manufacturer have already filed an appeal to reverse the decision that seeks to block the drugs. but also flores breaks down the two abortion rulings for us and their possible impact. there are two conflicting orders on abortion that i
welcome to our viewers joining us from the united states and all around the world and leila, iraq back to back court rulings on the most common abortion pill in the us puts future access to the drug in jeopardy. tourists hits in what israel is calling a terrorist attack as tensions mount in the middle east and. yeah. american swimmer riley gain says she was ambushed by trans rights activists at his speaking engagement she was invited to attend. live from cnn center. this is cnn newsroom with leila harare. the abortion rights debate burst suddenly back into the headlines friday night in the us this time a fight is brewing over access to medication abortion pills after federal courts issued conflicting rulings, just minutes apart was the flores has the details. there are two conflicting orders on abortion that is causing a lot of confusion in the united states. first there s one out of the state of texas a federal judge suspended the fda approval of an abortion pill called mife
we ll move on. here s what we re watching two major and very different rulings on access to a medical abortion pill nationwide . one judge halts the availability of the drug. another preserving access to it . in some states, we re going to sort out the rulings and, of course, the coming legal challenges tensions in the middle east. at least three people are dead in separate attacks. we re live in jerusalem with the latest vice president kamala harris makes a last minute trip to nashville to support to democrats expelled for leading a gun protest on the house floor. how monday could mark the next step in the lawmakers vowed to continue to fight. i ll never forget that look, you know of realization that hey, you know, finally somebody into the state is listening. and uh, you know, now he has a chance. and oklahoma death row inmate who has been served his last meal three times may soon have his murder conviction vacated the reason the state attorney general says he can no longer
morning, everyone it is saturday . april 8th. i m amro walker. i m victor blackwell. you are in the cnn newsroom and we begin with the abortion debate across the country. this time, it s over access to medication. abortion after federal courts issued conflicting rulings began after a federal judge in texas ruled to suspend the fda s two decade old approval. of method. pistone then washington state judge ruled the fda must keep the pill on the shelves and 17 democratic states and the district of columbia. cnn s senior medical correspondent, elizabeth cohen joins us now. so explain what medford press stone is and what happens next. so victor medford. redstone is one of two drugs that are used in medicated abortions. in other words, abortions that are used by pill rather than by a surgical procedure. as you said they ve been used safely from more than 20 years. they have an excellent safety profile, and actually, they are now quite common. let s take a look at what s happened wi