While nursing can be the ultimate bonding experience between you and your baby, breastfeeding can feel like a totally unnatural experience if you don’t get ahead of the challenges. Many nursing moms experience itchy, dry, chapped, cracked nipples as mom and baby work their way towards a proper latch and comfortable feeding positions. Until that’s sorted, you’re going to want one of the best nipple creams on hand for soothing relief, stat.
Made with either lanolin or a beeswax base, nipple creams heal, protect and moisturize skin that’s been ravaged by a newborn who’s still figuring out how to feed. You can either smooth on a dab before or after feedings or pumping sessions to prevent or deal with damage. Bonus: many of them can be used beyond breastfeeding as beauty salves that combat dry cuticles, heels, lips, elbows and so forth.