U.S. stocks traded mixed midway through trading, with the Nasdaq Composite falling more than 50 points on Tuesday. The Dow traded up 0.19% to 38,454.57 while the NASDAQ fell 0.41% to 15,534.23. The S&P 500 also fell, dropping, 0.08% to 4,938.63.
Shares of FMC Corporation (NYSE: FMC) fell sharply during Tuesday’s session after the company reported worse-than-expected fourth-quarter results.
U.S. stocks traded mixed toward the end of trading, with the Nasdaq Composite falling around 50 points on Tuesday. The Dow traded up 0.11% to 38,422.51 while the NASDAQ fell 0.32% to 15,547.61. The S&P 500 also fell, dropping, 0.05% to 4,939.69.
StockNews.com began coverage on shares of Tenax Therapeutics (NASDAQ:TENX – Free Report) in a report published on Tuesday morning. The firm issued a sell rating on the specialty pharmaceutical company’s stock. Separately, Roth Mkm reissued a buy rating and set a $480.00 target price on shares of Tenax Therapeutics in a report on Monday, November […]