Good Tuesday Morning im Carl Quintanilla with jon fortt and Julia Boorstin apple is going to be the story of the hour. Their new event is just hours away expected to unveil the latest edition of the iphone, jon likely story of the week in my book. Thats where well start this morning. Joanna stern off the wall street journal joins us product reviewer extraordinary air. Its been a long time since we had an iphone event that wasnt focused primarily on camera and screen quality, i would argue. Maybe back to the iphone 10 where we got face id but this time it might be 5g taking center stage, right supposed to be it speed, speed, speed. That was the tease in the invite last week from apple i think its going to be in 5g, certainly. Processors, processors, processors every year. And i think also we hear a lot of speed in charging this morning it was a i believe it was last night, a Wireless Charging grid that will clip to the back of the new iphones magnetically clip. Should be able to charge
Advertising deal with openai, and as dom said, gameshop shares tumble. Take two cuts its forecast in what it calls challenging times. Lets begin with markets a day after the dow hit 40k for the First Time Ever on pace for its fifth week of gains. What did you make of all the fuss yesterday . I thought this was one of the broader attempts at a major milestone. And what led it was just incredible. I mean, youre dealing with a level of broad that what let me tell you, the most important thing was rates had only something to do with one stock out of ten. You could pin on rates. I think thats very important. I do believe most of these companies are just run by ceos that dont get enough credit. Its amazing to me that we simply are always willing to consign, i think thats because of the nonsense risk on, risk off, thats just something that came up to confuse the viewers. Im not crazy about it. I think whats happened here is when you get a guy like solomon, and he realizes, you know, goldman i
Environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2018, and for other purposes. The First Reading of the bill shall be dispensed with. Ll points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. General debate shall be confined to the bill and shall not exceed two hours equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on appropriations. After general debate the bill shall be considered for amendment under the fiveminute rule. An amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of rules Committee Print 11531, modified by rules Committee Print 11532 and the amendment printed in part a of the report of the committee on rules accompanying this resolution, shall be considered as adopted in the house and in the committee of the whole. The bill, as amended, shall be onsidered as the original bill for the purpose of further amendment under the fiveminute rule and shall be considered as read. Points of order aga
[gavel] all right. Welcome everyone to our plans and programs meeting of the sfmta for february 14, 2017. I am katy tang chair of this committee and to my left is insure supervisor sheehy and commissioner supervisor farrell and we would like to thank sfgtv and the clerk. Mr. Clerk if you could about to roll call please. All right. Commissioner breed. Breed is absent. Commissioner farrell is absent. Commissioner supervisor farrell. Here. Commissioner supervisor safai. Here. Commissioner. Here. We have a quorum. Thank you. Item 2 is Citizens Advisory Committee report. This is an information item. Thank you. Do we have mr. Chris walding leer today. Hes not here. Thats interesting then we will go to Public Comment on item 2 now i pose. All right. No Public Comment. That was an information item. [gavel] item 3 please. Item 3 approval of the minutes of the january 17, 2017 meeting. This is an action item. Colleagues if you have looked at the minutes we can get a motion to approve the minutes
Provoked you to support this . There were some that refused to testify and during this investigation this board issued were the last board issued i believe this first subpoena i believe in 24 425 years and i think that mme. City clerk knows the exact amount of years with that but i think that we need to get to the bottom of this. This is not to be used lightly but i think particularly in a case of manifested Public Safety they need to understand the gravityand they need to understand that telling the truth and the whole truth is very, very important and they need to understand this Public Safety issue and get to the bottom of it. This is not something that i expect the committee or the full board to use this with any regularity but there is another individual coming before the committee another peer that i feel will be very helpful to our investigations to have that individual testify personally to an oath and i think it is an important tool to use in our tool chest for the board for m