Interest to talk about the legislation on kqed forum but it is a larger night life discussion around the state of night life in San Francisco i appeared on the 30th of december on the radio i call it appearing along with Terrance Allen and the u. S. Sf weekly to talk about night life in the city it was a good discussion and you can listen to it we posted the link on our Facebook Page and on the Forum Website too so if you get a chance its all of an hour with breaks in the middle it might put you to sleep. I listens to it on the internet you were great and concise and assured in what you were saying you were great. Thank you very much. Thanks for the compliment so i wrote in here the new years eve ill let you the inspections tell you it was a business night not very many problems recorded to date i dont think and both cammy and i attended the party and o was that was on for the first time on new years eve it was a fun times once theyre complete and they are getting all their ducks in a
Thank you commissioners in our packets this week you may notice there are a little bit bulkier than average we put together examples of you know some of the things in my packet that youll find an example of a notice of violation from the Entertainment Commission and example from a notice of violation from the San Francisco Police Department we have something i meant to include next time a sound inspectors report when we do a sound test to make sure that you see in a little bit more detail well be doing each weekend and have direct insight how we rate people faumd in keeping tabs on the permittees and couple of things in our packet is a new complaint from a resident on polk street about the maze in process prior to complaint working with the ownership there and doing improvements to their sound like system in improvement and the chapel i issued a notice of violation for the communications with them its a matter of really regulating stage volumes and communicating to staff as to how bett
Teams came to fruition so thank you. Absolutely this was going into the wee hours and a lot of that unfortunately was we gave him ample time to speak to commissioner hydes point to come to the table selfhappen jose linen and i were communicating late into the evening from our homes at least it was mine at this point so the citys commitment was significant both the Police Departments and the commission so in that regard we appreciate it just to get the one issue out the question was asked the expectation and the plan of Police Department we dont want to be quiet about it we want to be consistent with our produce our plan to come before you in the future with revocations were not interested in another thirty or 15 day suspension we have documentation we have bent over backward to help to get one thing we see another and latter when officer from his comments with regards to the Central Station with regards to new years eve hell touch on the further step and commissioner frost in the back
If all the vehicles started moving forward i guess just the only thing i wanted to speak to it is something we should all look at in the future protective intent and legislation is two things the spirit of what the section was written for i really time to make it clear its important to the Police Department we maintain credibility and youll see my request it never exceeded the law the idea our request wasnt appropriate is up to you to the commission to determine im extremely confident it exceeded the standards in 1060 but lined up at the end of the day, we got what person looking for we wanted to protect the Public Safety on new years eve and moving forward with that ill stop and if you have questions ill be happy to take them. I dont see any questions. Just a comment medical cannabis i appreciate the communication with the Police Department and this staff lined up at the end of the day both teams came to fruition so thank you. Absolutely this was going into the wee hours and a lot of
Additional suspension request. The police has a right to bring an action before the commission before the suspension of revocation based on the criteria that is laid out in 1060 and this commission will hear it as it almost like an Administrative Law body where they put a case which side they maybe witnesses and well all as a Commission Act as the judge am i yes. My concern youve made the decision put the punishment in place the 15 day suspension. Yeah. This is a administrative this is not like a permital so those standards are different. Is this bans Public Health and safety. At this point well hand to the inspections or hear from the Police Matter it depended on what the Commission Wants to do. Why not hear from the police on this matter. Vice chair hide and commissioner dave from the sfpd. So let me jump into answering our questions from the Police Department perspective first and foremost the communication between our staff and us was excellent there are times we have our tactics a