Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday raised with his Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese India's concerns over the recent incidents of attacks on temples in Australia and activities of pro-Khalistani elements in that country. In their wide-ranging talks here, the two prime ministers also decided to focus on firming up a comprehensive economic cooperation agreement
Australian city of Brisbane was witness to an attack on a prominent Hindu temple by pro-Khalistan supporters. This is the latest incident of vandalism against Hindu temples in Australia. The latest attack took place on Shree Laxmi Narayan Temple.
"Temple priest and devotees called this morning and notified me about the vandalism on the boundary wall of our temple," temple president Satinder Shukla was quoted as saying by The Australia Today website.
'Panchayat' actor Chandan Roy Sanyal, who will be seen portraying an IT expert in the web series 'Jaanbaaz Hindustan Ke', shared how he prepared for his role, challenges of playing an IT expert, and also recalled the most difficult scene to .