first line of the job description. yet, amazingly, almost nobody in the american media did that. and that s a shame because there was a lot to check. the full video of what happened on friday in washington is well over an hour long. the four minutes that made twitter don t tell t the story but, instead, distort the story. a longer look shows that the boys from covington catholic in kentucky were not a roving mob looking for a fight. f they were, in fact, and it shows it on the tape standing in place waiting to be picked up by a bus. as they waited there, members of a group called the black hebrew israelites black supremacist organization began taunting them with racial epitaphs and then nathan phillips, the now famous indian activist approached them pounding on his drum. the footage seems to suggest the boys were unsure whether phillips was hostile orug taking their side against the black hebrew israelites. but, in any case, there is no evidence at all that anybody said build a wall. h