funding from gop donor, rebecca mercer, to spread a story based on no evidence that bill clinton has a love child. i raised 150 k for the digital campaign, tell rebecca to send us some money. the request could run a foul of federal election laws. stone says he never received money from the mercers and maintains he is innocent. there s no crime in connection with the 2016 election or anything else. even though roger stone insists he has done nothing wrong he would not be surprised if mueller brings charges against him, and stone says the charges would be trumped up and designed to get him to flip on president trump. cnn, washington. joining us now is jeffrey toobin, a former federal prosecutor and staff writer at the new yorker. i am about to steal john berman s opening question. go for it. is roger stone in more legal
publicly available information, tips from journalists, and a back channel source. progressive new york activist randy kretico. he s denied he acted as a back channel. then of course, there is the mueller investigation. poking into every aspect of my private, personal, business, social, family, and political life. stone hasn t been contacted by mueller s team, but nearly a dozen of his associated have. still, it s unclear what charges, if any, stone could ultimately face. the new york times also published e-mails showing stone asking bannon to help him get funding from gop donor rumecca mercer, to spread a story based on no evidence that bill clinton has a love child. i have raised 150k for the targeted black digital campaign through a c-4, stone wrote. tell rebecca to send us some money. the request could run afoul of federal election laws. stone says he never received any