it s win or die. when you play the game of thrones, you are win or you die. there is no middle ground. right now watching a woke game of thrones on the left. and it has everything. suspense, betrayal. even violence. senator dianne feinstein of california made a costly error. she showed weakness. i have been doing this for 30 years. i know what i m doing. you come in here and say it has to be my way or the highway. i don t respond to that. we are the people that voted you. you are supposed to listen to us. how old are you? that s your job. i m 16. you can t vote for me. she votes. we re the ones it s impacted. it doesn t matter we are going to be the ones that are impacted. you know better than i do so i think one day you should run for the senate. jesse: it was at that moment that the left decided diane had to go. climate change is a religion. and that was blasphemy. what happened next was unavoidable. her own staffers stabbed her in the back. announci
whitney from des moines, iowa. to bed potatoes missed the nickname bracket. potatoes is a good one. she slings those suckers hot. doddy from water mosso, new jersey. what gives? pentagon leaker found in one day but after 11 months the supreme court leaker is still unknown? it seems suspicious. i don t believe anything about this new leak situation. i will wait until it shakes out. steve in georgia, of course biden isn t concerned about the leaks. he thinks they are from hunter s laptop. i can t believe we haven t heard the russian information line yet. scott in san diego. i remember when i was in school. the nurse couldn t give a student an aspirin without parental permission. now you get hormones and whatever that chest binder is called. day from california, tell johnny he cannot touch the cars at the car show. that s a no-no. you touch thu , johnny.
celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. 30th anniversary with a four-day party in las vegas. fans are like, can we go? and their kids are like, i guess. i mean, you re old enough to make your own decisions. oh, oh, oh whoa, whoa, whoa. don t tell johnny. bust a move, bust a hip. so i guess you know the sad news we got this week. yes indeed. the conscious uncumming? that s what i m talking about. it turns out gwyneth paltrow and chris martin, the outstanding musician, they decide they can t make it work after ten years, although they will be living in the same house in malibu. we ll see how that goes. they just bought it. it turns out that gwyneth paltrow, i believe in many respects, is not in touch with everyday america. listen, she gave a quote to e and she said this, talk being