Belarus inspires having an impressive amount of knowledge is good, but being able to apply it in time is even better and it seems like a playground for an intellectual show. I know the Perfect Place for this. My name is georgy koldun, hello, and im yulia pertsova, im in the Television Teachers room where teachers are worried, worried and proud by his students. In general, they are not supported by children at all. We present to you the project participants. Before the start of the game, we asked each of the guys to give a Short Description of themselves. So meet alevtin prokudin ushacha secondary school its motto, but letangi compass courage and history teacher Vladimir Leonidovich gymnasium number five of the city of vitebsk named after lyudnikov. Goal oriented optimist as always ready to fight to the end and geography teacher Tatyana Viktorovna kulakova blue krilchuk gymnasium number two of the city of pinsk competitor mary poppins in the category of sheer perfection and teacher of r