putin, you have to bring a lot of perspective and nbc b did not. thus the predictable happened. everyone is up in arms because he praised putin. why is everybody surprised that nbc news would log praise over a soviet kgb leader? when they are his prisoner for two weeks as the televising network. besides that, there s not that much ideological difference. putin sycophant bob costas wins gold medal for authoritarian a-kissing. unquote. surely true that nbc doesn t want to t off putin. but i know costas. he s not some crazy left wing guy that would celebrate a man like putin. he was simply reading a script designed to be innocuous.
putin, you have to bring a lot of perspective and nbc b did not. thus the predictable happened. everyone is up in arms because he praised putin. why is everybody surprised that nbc news would log praise over a soviet kgb leader? when they are his prisoner for two weeks as the televising network. besides that, there s not that much ideological difference. putin sycophant bob costas wins gold medal for authoritarian a-kissing. unquote. surely true that nbc doesn t want to t off putin. but i know costas. he s not some crazy left wing guy that would celebrate a man like putin. he was simply reading a script designed to be innocuous.