THE Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and ComClark Network and Technology Corp. have partnered to provide free digital access to more than 2,000 geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDA) across the country.
The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and ComClark Network and Technology Corp announced on Tuesday that they will collaborate on a project to provide various connectivity technologies to over 2,000 remote areas across the Philippines.
Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and ComClark to provide free internet to 2,000 remote areas | DICT and ComClark partner to bridge the digital divide and connect Filipinos to limitless opportunities | Universal Internet Subscription for GIDA (UISG) Project aims to bring connectivity to socially and economically disadvantaged areas | Deployment of fixed VSATs, fiber technology, and satellite-communications-on-the-move terminals to aid government agencies and LGUs during calamities | Fiber-enabled access points and fixed VSATs to be established in different terrains | 34 SatCom on the Satellite-on-the-Move terminals to augment disaster and emergency response | UISG Project currently tracks 4,741 active sites in 1,871 locations, providing connectivity across all 17 regions of the country | Managed services implemented with We Are IT Philippines, Inc. and Telered Technologies and Services Corp.
THE Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) announced it has teamed up with ComClark Network and Technology Corp. to provide digital access to more than 2,000 geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDA) across the country. At the launch and ceremonial turn-over of equipment of the Universal Internet Subscription for…