i think that will be the next stage. abby: i love how general john kelly is someone who has to be convinced to come and do this job because he was doing things. he had results that he could speak to. i imagine he told the president, i m only doing this role if you let me play the role of chief of staff and that means i need to have access to everything, your schedule, i have to crackdown, we have to figure out who are these leakers and also, really play a role in the agenda. you really want to help the president navigate what s going on on capitol hill, navigate the problems, how do we execute them, i have all the confidence in the world that have general john keane can t be successful as tivo s accolade on who can. harris: to see you and maria agree sandra: john kelly, not keene. harris: if you look at the total picture in all of this, what this says, it s going to be
the reason congress stepped in so aggressively on a sanctions is because of things like president trump s tweet this morning where he s blaming everyone else but russia for the deterioration of this relationship. this relationship is at an all-time low because they meddled in our election, there is doing things against our interest in syria my because of ukraine, because of crimea, because of all the things that russia is doing, it s not congress fault. these are bipartisan sanctions, 98-2 in the state senate. the president can t seem to accept the fact that russia meddled as aggressively as they did come out won t be on putin like he has with almost every other world leader and congress is saying wait a second, we need to send a really strong message here when us democrats and republicans, if he didn t sign it, they would override it. harris: steve, just to dump teleport maria saying, we ve learned that most recently from anthony scaramucci before his quick and abrupt exit that the