The Telangana government is making all efforts to make Hyderabad a 100 per cent vaccinated city in the next 10 to 15 days. As a part of this exercise, Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar held a meeting with the Medical Health Department, GHMC Commissioner DS Lokesh Kumar, Collectors of Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Medchal Malkajgiri and Sangareddy districts and other officials at BRKR
Telangana government has announced the vaccination programme to cab drivers, autorickshaw and maxi cab drivers in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation.
Telangana to resume second dose vaccination from today PTI
Updated May 25, 2021, 10:52 am IST
On May 16, the government said it was suspending the second dose inoculation drive for persons above 45 years of age
A health worker administers a COVID-19 vaccine at Government Unaini Hospital in Charminar, Hyderabad. (Photo: PTI)
Hyderabad: The second dose of COVID-19 vaccination for people above 45 years of age will commence from Tuesday across Telangana.
According to an official release, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has instructed officials to begin the second vaccination programme from today.
The CM has asked people who have taken the first dose of COVID vaccine and are eligible for the second one to walk into the government vaccination centre nearby and get it, the release issued on Monday night said.