Hyderabad: A day after arresting the Telangana BJP chief Bandi Sanjay in Kamareddy who joined the farmers protest in Kamareddy and shifting him to Hyderabad, the Telangana police filed a case against the BJP leader on Saturday. Kamareddy farmers have been protesting against the alleged inclusion of their agricultural lands in the industrial zone in a draft master plan for the
The Telangana government would purchase paddy that turned wet due to recent rains and the farmers need not worry about it, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao said on Wednesday.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi will be touring Telangana for two days in May. He is scheduled to address a public meeting on farmers’s issues. As per the media release by Telangana Congress, Gandhi will take part in “Rythu Sangharshana Sabha” which is being held in Warangal on May 6. And, the next the former Congress chief will be meeting people from different sections of