In the white paper released by Telangana Deputy CM, Congress said there is a huge gap between the budgeted and actual money spent on the welfare scheme by the previous BRS government. BRS countered the Congress by presenting a fact sheet
Appealing voters to vote for BJP, Shah said the Prime Minister Narendra Modi government has fulfilled all the promises it made, ranging from construction of Ram Temple, abrogation of article 370 or abolishing triple talaq. "Your (people of Telangana) vote will not just decide the fate of an MLA or a government, but the future of Telangana and the country. I appeal to you to vote only after analysing the performance of each and every party. I am confident that you will vote for PM Modi-led BJP once you do an analysis of all parties," he added.
Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman came down heavily on Telangana`s TRS government for raising debts beyond FRBM limits and claimed that every child born in the state carries Rs 1.25 lakh debt burden. She said because of the huge debts, Telangana`s revenue surplus budget had slipped to a revenue deficit budget.
According to 2020-21 budget estimates, Telangana s estimated outstanding public debt will be over Rs 2.86 lakh crore. However, the economists say the state has the capacity to manage debts.