According to Telangana Health and Finance Minister T Harish Rao, Telangana State is ready to deal with any situation that arises as a result of the Corona, Omicron variant. Despite a spike in positive cases of COVID, the virus is now rapidly spreading and with less severity. He stated that the cases will be down in February and situation might return get normal by March.
COVID-19 third wave in Telangana? 43 medical students test positive amid Omicron fears - A medical college in Telangana witnessed an outbreak of COVID-19 when 43 students tested positive after a college fest.
Representative image
HYDERABAD: The Telangana high court on Monday gave 48 hours to the state government to take steps to combat the spiralling Covid-19 cases, failing which it will step in.
It also directed the government to decide fast on enforcing night curfew and imposing strict curbs at shopping malls, function halls, clubs, restaurants, theatres, etc, to check the spread.
Expressing concern over surge in positive cases all over the state, a bench of Chief Justice Hima Kohli and Justice B Vijaysen Reddy said: “We would bring in a stricter Covid-19 regime if the state government does not display enough will power for reasons best known to it.”
Hyderabad, April 11 (IANS) The Telangana government on Sunday ordered that not wearing face mask in public places will attract a penalty of Rs 1,000. Chief