Opponents of the judicial overhaul offer no alternative, no vision and no strategy. These are given to a political movement by its leaders, which the center-left doesn't have
By SHIRA RUBIN | The Washington Post | Published: May 19, 2021 TEL AVIV When Hamas rockets first targeted this city one evening last week, Nadav Cohen, owner of the bar-bistro El Vecino, hustled his full house of patrons to the underground wine cellar-cum-shelter, where they huddled low to the floor, clutching their drinks. He opened a bottle of vodka and another of licorice-flavored arrack liquor, making their own little party, he said, as the group listened for the booms of the Israel s Iron Dome missile defense system. They watched videos on social media of white lines streaking across the night sky and real-time maps showing where the rockets had struck.