Jessica Steinberg covers the Sabra scene from south to north and back to the center.
From ON by Adi Salant for the Fresco Dance Company, premiering in Tel Aviv on May 11, 2021 (Courtesy Efrat Mazor)
Dance is among the artistic mediums that fared poorly during the pandemic, in terms of performances.
Videos felt slow and sluggish, and live feeds weren’t always worth the trouble.
Creativity in the field, however, wasn’t impaired.
“It was a very artistic year,” said Yoram Karmi, lead choreographer and founder of the Fresco Dance Company. “We immersed ourselves in artistic activity.”
From ‘Kapow,’ a new dance work by Eyal Dadon for the Fresco Dance Company, premiering May 11, 2021 in Tel Aviv (Courtesy Efrat Mazor)