Tejas Networks share price: The stock slumped 7.29 per cent to hit a day low of Rs 801.10 over its previous close of Rs 864.05. At today's low price of Rs 801.10, the scrip has declined 14.77 per cent from its one-year high price of Rs 939.90, a level seen on October 18 last year.
"Tejas Networks (Tejas), Indias largest R&D-driven telecom equipment company, designs and manufactures wireline/wireless networking products. We expect Tejas to execute orders worth at least Rs292bn over FY24-28E, and generate revenue/EBITDA above Rs300bn/Rs60bn, respectively, led by the BSNL and BharatNet projects."
"Tejas Networks (Tejas), India’s largest R&D-driven telecom equipment company, designs and manufactures wireline/wireless networking products. We expect Tejas to execute orders worth at least Rs292bn over FY24-28E, and generate revenue/EBITDA above Rs300bn/Rs60bn, respectively, led by the BSNL and BharatNet projects."
Indian equity benchmarks were trading lower today. The 30-share BSE Sensex fell 342 points to 66,085 and Nifty lost 79 pts to 19,732. Here s a look at stocks that are buzzing in action today.