The breach of a Florida water treatment system that could have poisoned citizens sent shockwaves through local government. No-cost assessment tools and low-cost fixes can increase security in this sector.
Sites water storage project benefit report identifies Delta ecosystem
FAIRFIELD The final feasibility report for the long-awaited Sites Reservoir water storage project was sent Tuesday to Congress by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
The Sites Reservoir Project is a joint investigation between the Bureau of Reclamation and Sites Project Authority, authorized by Congress in 2003.
The $3.5 billion, 1.5 million-acre-foot reservoir and infrastructure, if completed, would provide water to agriculture, municipal and industrial uses, as well as to the Central Valley Project and environmental interests such as fish and refuges, according to information provided by the bureau.
Also listed as potential beneficiaries are Delta ecosystem enhancement, flood damage reduction and recreation.