age of 12 starts at home. every parent, every teen sibling, every caregiver around them should be vaccinated. do you know why? because enough is enough. and we cannot have a tyranny of a minority in this country. it is literally making us sick. if there were to be a freedom argument to be had, it would have to redound on the side of the majority. we cannot live our lives the way we want to because of a discrete minority that is insistent on keeping us sick. and so biden said, what this country needs not just to hear because we already know it but to act on it. his words certainly echoed across the country all the way to california where just tonight the nation s second largest school district, the los angeles unified school board, just voted to mandate covid vaccines for
arguing what is constitutional. still worse, you are playing politics to protect life in one case that you say is fine, while arguing a point that costs us lives with this anti-vaxxer irrationality. your insistence on resistance is making us sick. and now it is making the people we care about most, our kids, sicker than ever. and at the worst time. kids are going back to school. and this mask madness, these vax gaps, they re creating more cases in kids than ever. biden solved this problem also. and the president had a message for us parents. the safest thing for your child 12 and older is to get them vaccinated. they get vaccinated for a lot of things. the best way for a parent to protect their child under the
schools open. and we have the tools to do it. last night i laid out a plan for the fall to beat this pandemic. and basically [ no audio ] now for any parent, it doesn t matter how low the risk of any illnesses whether it could happen to your child. but we all know if schools follow the science and they are here and implement safety measures, like vaccinations, testing, masking, and children could be safe in schools, safe from covid-19. my plan does all of these things. on vaccinations, it comes down to two separate categories. children ages 12 and older like elijah who are eligible for
and i asked them, i said how many want to go to the moon. everybody be one said they wanted to go to the moon. i asked how many want to go to mars and i they they all raised their hand as well. but it is really and they re excited about it. now the best way for parent to protect a child under 12 starts at home. every parent, every teen sibling, every caregiver around them should be vaccinated. children have four times higher chance of getting hospitalized if they live in an area with low vaccination rates rather than high vaccination rates. and it goes for the home as well. there is a high vaccine rate in the home and significantly diminishes the possibilities. now if your a parent of a young child, you re wondering when will the vaccine be available for them? i strongly support independent scientific review of vaccine usage for children under 12. but i ve told them, i will do everything within any power to support the food and drug
i m going to use the defense production act. my plan will also expand free testing that you could get at 10,000 pharmacies around the country. walmart, amazon and kroger will sell at-home rapid tests at cost which means it will cost they re going to charge no more than it cost them to buy the test from the manufacturer. and that will be the same way for the next three months. that is a discount of about 35%. about 35%. this is important for everyone. particularly for a parent of a child not old enough to be vaccinated. you ll be able to test your child at home and to test those around them as well. an on masking, we know masks work. they are uncomfortable sometimes and they get tired of wearing them. i understand, i really do. and i wear them in the white house. under the cdc guidelines, every person in school, teachers,