My name is Leslie Leslie kavasch im here to introduce our guest, cyde ford, a former assistant engineer with ibm. He graduated from the university of western states in portland as a doctor of chiropractic and the era pissed. Hes also the awardwinning author of 12 works of fiction and nonfiction. Clyde is the recipient of the richard ray award, in africanamerican literature. He has been a guest on the oprah show, in pr, radio and tv programs across the nation. Clyde is here to speak about his latest book, think black a memoir of sacrifice, which was just released, shortlisted for the book prize in social justice. Please join me in welcoming to the kendall planetarium at the Oregon Museum of science and industry, cyde ford. [applause] thank you all for being here, i cant tell you how special it is to be here. I was just reliving my First Experience over 40 years ago up at Washington Park and i was a volunteer. I was working with a group, i had come from ibm to go to chiropractic college.
never for one moment did we forget that everything happening elsewhere on land, sea, or in the air depended ultimately on its outcome. so home, in the spring of 1940 excuse me. thank you. so, in the spring of 1941 in the face of mounting losses churchill issued a somewhat totalitarian order that take the offensive, and it was and this dire crisis. given the job of putting together a small group scientists at britain s coastal command to see if they come up with some ways of improving their heretofore dismal performance in locating and attacking the submarines that were threatening britain s vital lifeline. blackett was at this time one of the world s most preeminent physicists. he had been unable to debt and saw action at the battle of jutland, and after the war the navy decided that all of these cadets commend cadets in age britain at that time certain age 14 and age 18 they graduated and then went into the navy s midshipmen, but the navy had to rush this last class rig
included instances of growth rate. i saw you walk along, you all aware that potentially it is unsafe? i am aware that is potentially unsafe, but it is unsafe everywhere. if you are always thinking about it, it will affect your life and a negative way. i try not to think about it. for years i have ever had a problem. i think that if you are aware of your surroundings it is not as big issue as people take it out to be. when i was at college in the warrant coffeyville s students to be aware and walk in groups. they definitely encourage people to walk around together, especially when you go out at night. a group but has happened to three times over the past 10 days included other who was with her 19 year-old daughter who was on campus and was groped. and each case there isolated incident and not related to one another. we are going to get you the latest out of the south bay, a leaky gas pipeline could of been a cause of the explosion at a home in cupertino. the cruise f