Are frozen embryos really children? The Supreme Court of Alabama forces us to ask this question. Let's turn to the Protestant justification of a "yes" answer by Chief Justice Tom Parker and then examine the "yes" answer posed by Roman Catholic bioethicists. My own answer is negative. Alabama forces this question.
Will the Trump presidential campaign put Christian nationalism on our doorstep? Would a Trump reelection turn Washington into a theocracy? Will Trump put Christian nationalism on our doorstep?
Is your soul an immaterial substance that, with a soulechtomy, can be extracted from your body? Is the soul made out of an immortal material? Or, is it better to use the word, "soul," to refer to the whole person that includes body, soul, and spirit? Substance dualism treats the soul as a spiritual substance.
Let's take a tour through options, through alternative theologices of the soul such as Emergent Dualism, Nonreductive Physicalism, Theological Materialism, Atheistic Materialism, and, finally, a Trichotomy of soul with body and spirit. All these are distinctively Christian theological pictures; but along the way we’ll look briefly at Hinduism and Buddhism for comparison. Theologies of the Soul