What turns a house into a home for Christmas, says Professor Derek Nelson, is belonging, comfort, and delight. Home for Christmas means belonging, comfort, and delight.
As valuable as Science for the Church is for getting our heads screwed on right, when it comes to the Christmas blues we ask our hearts for care, compassion, and company. Even if science cannot help the Christmas blues, care can.
The Advent hymn, O Come O Come Emmanuel, unites today's Christians by giving them ancient Israel's history. Giving histories, rather than taking histories away, fuses horizons of understanding and a new sense of church unity emerges. The Advent hymn, O Come Emmanuel, gives all Christians Israel's history.
Christian freedom, paradoxically, enhances libertarian freedom for loving the neighbor. Christian freedom from self enhances freedom for loving the neighbor.
In this interview with Professor Mahjabeen Dhala, we learn that Muslims are likely to eat cultivated meat if it meets existing jurisprudence standards already in place to govern slaughtered meat. Cultivated meat will meet halal standards if it conforms to existing Islamic jurisprudence standards.