that, please ask him why i was dumped on page 184 of his latest book. i was dumped at the very end as an afterthought. i call him. i text him. i think you are with the entrees. it goes in the order of a meal. sean: he didn t ask me for an entree. whatever. i wasn t the appetizer. peter, we ll be checking back with you, monitoring all the results out of mississippi. we ll bring you any numbers as they come in. they are notoriously slow, unfortunately. we are hoping they come in soon. earlier tonight, jerome corsi sat down with our own tucker carlson discussing his experience dealing with team mueller. let s take a look. everything they wanted, i had nothing to hide. i gave it to them immediately. for having forgotten on day one, because i hadn t reviewed the e-mail, this particular e-mail about ted malloch, i am now being charged with willfully and knowingly giving false information, which is nonsense. do you think that your
new witnesses leaking about the mueller probe which is how we can report tonight mueller continues to press for more information on roger stone. a former trump aide. mueller s investigations pressed him with contact with stone. questions came in march when fbi confronted ted malloch. his claim to intermediary to wikileaks alleged friday that stone is threatening him to impact the outcome of the probe. so where s stone in all of this? the self-pro-claimed man has a method strategy of course. he now argues that any charges that could come would mean he has been framed. hi, folks. i ve broken no laws and done nothing wrong but i will be targeted in an effort to trump up charges against me to get me to turn on donald trump.
try to do is take piece of evidence and see what it means but it s very clear as you report on this story there s likely a lot more evidence we haven t seen. for example, these emails. we covered the story about roger stone telling sam nunberg he dined with julian assange. it indicated then a few weeks later we reported this story that roger stone was seeking damaging information about hillary clinton through his alleged back channel, so one had seen that. it s very possible that there are a lot more emails. there could be a lot more contact. one thing that s very clear, though. if you look at some of the people subpoenaed surrounding roger stone and questioned including ted malloch, the questioning revolves around and seems centered on this line of questioning around wikileaks, which could be at the center of any sort of conspiracy if there was one, because roger stone seems to predict and know a lot about what wikileaks would
and what is the relationshipip between mueller and comey? did mueller give comey immunity? does comey think he s above the law?w? where are we going with all of this? that s what needs to be investigated. tucker: do you believe, quickly, congressman, do you believe that jim comey has been offered immunity by the mueller investigation? i think it stands to reason, and i think the american people deserve to know. tucker: that would be shocking. congressmen, thank you both. i appreciate that. i hope you get to the bottom of those. we have a right to know. ted malloch was an informal advisor to the donald trump campaign. in march, he says he was detained at an airport by investigators for robert mueller who took away his cell phone and asked about his ties to roger stone, among other things. he is also the author of the book the plot to destroy trump: how the deep state fabricated the russian dossier to subvert the president. ted malloch joins us tonight. thank you coming on. goo
somebody who is not a citizen of the united states and knows full well that the reach of subpoena power and the court s jurisdiction isn t going to extend beyond the friendly skies around the united states of america. so in anticipating they will not be cooperative, they may want to access the information nonetheless, which is why you have these kind of surprise attacks. george papadopoulos had this happen to him. you have ted malloch, who is going to testify in the grand jury in upcoming weeks about what he knows of roger stone and wikileaks and the founder. all of this is trying to get information from people who otherwise probably will not be cooperative and also about the fleeting nature of the information. remember, it didn t just happen in airports. paul manafort s home in a surprise warrant execution arrived at his front door and in a no-knock and announce warrant execution went in and grabbed what? that which could be fleeting, including electronic information. so, steve, giv