Fire chief appointed to lead Hackensack after city manager’s sudden death
Updated 7:35 AM;
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Hackensack’s fire chief will take over the city’s top post following the sudden death of City Manager Ted Ehrenburg last month.
Ehrenburg, 64, died at his home overnight on March 31. A cause of death has not been released.
The city council voted unanimously Tuesday, with two members absent, to appoint Hackensack Fire Chief Thomas Freeman to the position of interim city manager until July 1.
During that time, city officials will conduct a search for a candidate to fill the position permanently, according to Steven Kleinman, the city attorney.
HACKENSACK In the aftermath of the sudden death of City Manager Ted Ehrenburg, officials have appointed an interim manager to fill the post for the next few months.
Fire Chief Thomas Freeman was appointed to the role at a special meeting on Tuesday morning. The appointment is effective immediately. He will hold the post until July 1.
Mayor John Labrosse said city officials were shocked by the unexpected death of Ehrenburg two weeks ago.
“This is an appointment because we had to get someone in there just in the interim,” Labrosse said. “We felt that we weren’t going to hire anyone until after the election in four weeks, but we will go out for RFQ [request for qualifications] starting soon and then move forward with interviews.”
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