Avrupa Elaziglilar Dernegi (AED) tarafindan temin edilen 33 akülü tekerlekli sandalye, Türkiye Sakatlar Dernegi Elazig Subesi araciligiyla ihtiyaç sahiplerine dagitildi.,
who need treatment. i hope the president is going to stop trying to repeal the affordable care act, that he s going to stop trying to reduce funding for medicaid, because that s the single most important way to fight this illness. at the same time, the president referred to new hampshire a while ago, i guess in august, as a drug-infest ted den. is that an accurate reflection of what s going on in your state? we have a very serious epidemic, and as senator shaheen just said, one of the highest overdose death rates, in particular because of the onslaught of the drug fentanyl, which is a synthetic drug. the profit margins are very high for drug dealers and it is very, very deadly. so we need more resources. what is particularly important, though, is that the president stop speaking about people who suffer from this addiction in