We end up with the bill
Believe it or not, I agree with our former president: We both want herd immunity against COVID. Recent polls reveal that far too many people are reluctant or refuse to get vaccinated. Thus, we may not achieve herd immunity.
Across multiple surveys, Republicans are about twice as likely to be refusers. It is time for us Republicans to walk the walk. We are tired of people relying on the public dole. The government has to stop bailing people out, especially when they won’t accept responsibility for their irresponsible acts.
If you get COVID-19 and end up in the emergency room or getting hospitalized, then your bills are incredibly high. Who has been paying for this? It’s Medicare, Medicaid, primary or secondary health insurers, or the US government. Out-of-pocket payments are rare.
State is now completely blue
Colorado has picked up an additional seat in Congress. So with our state growing, the question is why? I’m sure the various economic development organizations can give all the statistical reasons. But maybe my family’s experience is somewhat representative of what is happening.
We escaped California in 1995. We had grown up there, but what was a fantastic environment, economically and socially, had turned into an oppressive state; gangs moving into our communities, fiscal policies degrading lifestyles, social policies infringing on our rights and stifling regulation of business. And all the while the state was turning bluer and bluer. Looking for a better atmosphere for our children and a job opportunity, we found Colorado. That was 26 years ago. When we arrived we saw the moniker, “Don’t californicate Colorado”. Fortunately we were able to assimilate into the rather western free-range attitude and have enjoyed raising our family here. Until n
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Presented by Uber Driver Stories
Good Thursday morning, Illinois. We just received a copy of “Boss Cermak of Chicago,” and I think that’s the nicest gift a political gal can get. It joins Mike Royko’s “Boss” and Adam Cohen and Elizabeth Taylor’s “American Pharaoh” as trivia go-to sources.
Ameya Pawar and Ted Cox sign off…
In the three years of One Illinois, this is the hardest story to write, because with its publication this website will cease operations.
It’s been a wonderful ride, and we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished and the work we’ve done. We set out to confront shady media outlets that were telling half-truths (at best) and political forces that attempted to divide voters in order to win elections. “We are all in this together as Illinoisans,” we wrote in our keynote story, “and the sooner we all realize that, the better.”