. they re uu for. joy lepola fox 45 news at 5530. bbltimore./ poliie./ need.// your help./ ááfindingáá. the. man.// áááhoáá./ robbed. two omen./ outside./ petit. louis . re. restaurant.several.// police cars./ in. roland park./ ááafteráá police say./ the./ 22./ were robbed ./ around .8./ say. he.// approached. / the. pairr..// ááasáá theyy.. were getting./ in. their./ car..//// ááandáá their purses./ ááthreateningáá. to./ shoot them. the suspect reached into the car, grabbed one of the victims purses, struggled with the victim that was utside aad got scared off and left if. ou. have any innormation./ áácalláá. city fox45 ./ teams. up./ with. the most. popular./ crime-mapping. website./ ááspotcrimeáá. tracks. criminal &pactivity./ in. your neighborhood./ ááandáá..,. will. send you. emmiis./ whan./ crime happenn../ to.sign-up.// ááclickáá. on. spot crime./ in. the./ hot topics . section./ police./ arrest. a man./ in./ a. glen burnie,.